How Many Eggs per Day on a Keto Diet?

You might have heard of the term keto and want to try it to lose some weight and get more fit. The keto diet is a very famous and highly effective dietary restriction, that focuses on increasing the consumption of foods that are high in protein and fat, and lower in carbs. In traditional diets, fat content is kept low, but the keto diet aims to reach a state of ketosis.

Ketosis is a state of your body when stored fat is being burnt by the body for energy. The keto diet, therefore helps you burn that excess fat in the thigh or abdominal region so that the consumption is of healthy fat that leads to weight loss.

However, ketosis is a highly unstable state, which can be lost after ingesting even one wrong ingredient, as it provides the energy source that the body needs. This is why, you might be asking yourself if how many eggs should you eat on keto or even if they are allowed.

In this article, we take you along to remove all confusion regarding keto and eggs per day.

How Many Eggs per Day Can Someone Eat On a Keto Diet?

Manny Eggs In The Basket

To eat eggs on keto is definitely allowed. It is allowed and safe to eat eggs for the maintenance of ketosis. Most experts recommend 4-6 eggs per day on keto, as it ensures appropriate levels of fat and protein that are allowed per day. So, a simple answer to how many eggs a day can you eat on a keto diet, it is 4 to 6.

Although it may seem like there are many eggs per day, experts say that the number of eggs can be even greater. As long as grams of protein and fat are within the daily limit, then the number of eggs can increase. Also, you have to make sure to eat your greens, meats, and other stuff because a keto diet is not an egg-based diet.

To determine how many eggs suit your daily intake of protein and fat, one large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat, keeping you full and satisfied.

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Keto Egg Recipes

Keto Egg Recipes

When looking for egg recipes on a ketogenic diet, make sure to look for recipes that are low in carbs. A few simple recipes are:

  • A simple fried egg or egg scramble with no bread
  • Fry up some bacon or turkey bacon with your fried eggs for breakfast
  • No-bread egg sandwich, using tomatoes, lettuce, and a fried egg
  • Fried eggs with kale and beef also make a healthy lunch item

In these recipes you can use necessary spices, but the meals must be within the upper limit of 5 grams to meet your daily nutritional needs.

Keto Boiled Eggs

Keto Boiled Eggs

A boiled egg is most appropriate for a keto diet, eggs in any form are appropriate to eat on keto, as the net carbs remain the same in one whole egg, irrespective of how it is eaten. Only the net fat can change, depending on the oil used in the recipe.

Some of the boiled egg recipes that can be used are:

  • Boiled eggs can be mixed with avocado and eaten with bacon
  • Egg butter can be used on toast, albeit the toast has to be low on carbs
  • Deviled eggs in a keto-friendly way
  • A simple snack of boiled egg with mayonnaise also makes a great snack

Keto Scrambled Eggs

Keto Scrambled Eggs

When you eat eggs on keto, the egg-fast recipe and easiest option is to scramble eggs. Depending on egg a day, scrambled eggs can be made on 4 to 6 eggs simply using salt and pepper to spice it up.

However, to spice things up, you can add:

  • Bacon
  • Honey
  • Turkey bacon
  • Avocado
  • Cheese
  • Spinach

With these additions, you don’t have to eat as many eggs as you want, but even one egg can be turned into a meal. You can also choose to not add the egg yolk, as it contains fat and cholesterol. The protein is mostly present in the egg whites and can be used in all egg recipes.

Are There Any Limits On Eating Eggs On Keto?

How many eggs per day can someone eat on a keto diet? The limit has been set by doctors and diet experts to be around 4 to 6. It provides adequate protein and cholesterol, without additional eggs keto that take you out of ketosis.

However, eating too much of anything is bad for you. Eating over 12 eggs a day is not recommended due to high cholesterol. Fat and cholesterol content is relatively high in eggs, which makes them perfect for keto, although when eaten too much, the high fat and cholesterol content can turn things sour. Increased cholesterol affects the cardiovascular system, coagulating the arteries and leading to heart attack.

This is why, keto dieters must make sure that eggs are also part of their diet, but nothing too much. You can also pay attention to your biological response to increased egg intake.

Nutritional Profile of Eggs

For an average-sized egg that weighs over 200 gm, the major nutritional constituents are as follows:

Calories 72
Total Fat 5gm
Saturated Fat 1.6gm
Cholesterol 206gm
Protein 6gm
Sodium 65gm
Sugar 0.1gm
Carbohydrates 0.5gm

This indicates that eating eggs on keto is perfect because carbs remain low and protein and fat remain high. Whether it is scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs, the nutrition going in follows the keto diet restrictions.

However, be mindful of eating too many eggs a day and check the number of eggs, owing to the high cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Eggs on Keto 

Health Benefits of Eggs on Keto 

Upon 0.5 grams of carbohydrates, eggs give 6 grams of protein. This is perfect for keto dieters, setting their daily diet as per limitations to their carb intake. The foremost benefit of eggs therefore is that it can become a key component of the keto regime

Another aspect is the feeling of fullness from eggs because of the calories per egg. Given the high cholesterol in eggs, they give you a feeling of fullness on limited food. Scientists have shared that eggs also trigger a hormone in your stomach that gives the illusion of being full.

Is Boiled Eggs Keto?

Yes, eggs consumed in any shape or form in the keto diet follow the restrictions of the keto diet. The method of cooking eggs does not change the way eggs’ nutritional profile is. This is why, 4 to 6 eggs in a day in your daily diet is perfect. Whether it is boiled or scrambled or eaten in any other way, including eggs that are raw, the nutritional value remains the same

However, if the egg recipe calls for other ingredients then one large egg has the same nutrition, but you are also eating leaves, vegetables, grains, spices, etc. which change the nutritional profile of the meal. So, plan in advance before using eggs in keto-friendly recipes.

What is an Egg Fast?

It is a part of the ketogenic diet, where only eggs are eaten from three meals in a day. An egg-fast diet is usually the first step toward beginning the keto diet.

Eggs are a healthy food source, which provides proteins, carbs, and fats for your body. As a whole, it makes up all the major aspects of a person’s diet. This is why, an egg-fast diet allows only eggs to be consumed and to lose weight effectively.

However, it is said that an egg fast is a short-term solution to the problem, as going back to your normal diet can result in weight gain afterwards. Therefore, healthy keto options must be explored, instead of only focusing on the consumption of eggs.

Keto Egg Recipes

Keto Egg Recipes

Choosing food for keto can be a tricky option because you have to micro-analyze each and every nutritional aspect of the food. From the amount of oil to be used to the protein present per gram, calories per day must be fulfilled but carbs per day must be decreased.

Here are a few easy keto recipes for you

Keto Egg Fast Recipes

  • Breakfast

Keto followers can fry 2 eggs, sprinkle some salt and pepper, and eat

  • Lunch

Keto quiche can be made, using almond meal for the quiche crust. For the filling, use bacon, onion, and cheese. Then put eggs, cream, mustard, and spices and blend it. Bake the crust and then fill for lunch.

  • Dinner

Frittata is an easy and filling meal for dinner. Take 4 slices of bacon, mushrooms, butter, baby spinach, and cheddar cheese to make an egg frittata.

Eating Too Many Eggs on Keto

Eating Eggs On Keto

An egg-fast diet is an egg-based diet. With these recipes, egg is a great source of energy and can be used in both savory and sweet diet options. However, cholesterol present in eggs only increases HDL and to incorporate in a ketogenic diet means that your cholesterol is increasing. Egg fast diets make the risk of this even more and diets without including eggs can also be used to bring down the cholesterol. So before making any decisions, analyse your blood cholesterol, and proneness to heart disease and then make the decision to go or not to go on an egg fast diet.

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How Many Eggs Should You Eat Per Day On A Keto Diet?

Eggs are a versatile, nutrient-dense food for keto. There’s a reason eggs are a staple to the human diet, it is because they provide a filling yet easy way to consume food. This is why, 4 to 6 is the limit

However, listen to your body and adjust egg intake as needed. In case you are not feeling full of eggs or too many eggs are making you ill, then avoid eating 30 eggs in a day and stick to 6 eggs a day.

Eggs are rich in certain vitamins, have high-density cholesterol, and provide lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for cataracts and avoiding macular degeneration. Eggs also have Omega-3 fatty acids which are a good type of fatty acids and can actually improve heart and brain health

Cons of Eggs on Keto

However, when the intake of eggs is far greater than the prescribed limit, then certain disadvantages can also be seen that lead to more damage than the benefits mentioned. It’s possible to eat a healthy amount of eggs, but there’s a reason eggs are allowed only in limits

Cholesterol levels from egg consumption can rise very high very fast. Eggs are also associated with causing constipation and bloating of the abdomen, mainly because they have no fiber. Therefore, additional foodstuff must be eaten with eggs.

Avid keto enthusiasts who eat only eggs also face the risk of developing Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. The exact linkage is unknown, but eggs can impact insulin production in the body. This is a lifelong illness, which is not worth it when following a diet like the ketogenic diet for weight loss.

Another issue is acne. Eggs can also cause acne because eggs have progesterone. Facial acne can be a nuisance and diminish aesthetic value

Keto-Friendly Egg Recipes

  • Beef Omelette

2 eggs, ground beef, cheddar cheese, and onion with spices. Make an omelet that is delicious and keto-friendly

  • Pavlova

Egg whites, cream of tartar, powdered erythritol, vanilla extract, and heavy cream. For the base, mix the ingredients and bake. For the meringue, keto-friendly meringue can be bought from the store

  • Egg Garlic Aoli

Take 5 garlic cloves, olive oil, 1 egg, and Dijon mustard, along with salt, pepper and lemon juice. A great sauce is ready for your meals

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

No, doctors recommend eating 6 eggs per day. Prolonged consumption of eggs in such large quantities can also have health consequences, so avoid it.

Yes, egg fast diet can put you into ketosis. However, only eating 3 eggs per day does not meet nutritional requirements for the day, so consider adding vegetables, fruits, and other staples as well.

4 to 6 eggs per day are recommended by doctors to eat on a keto-friendly diet. However, if you decide to not eat egg yolks and only eat egg whites, then you can increase your consumption of eggs per day. Even then be mindful of not eating too many, as it causes digestive problems as well.

Yes, eggs will help lose weight on keto. They are low in carbs and high in fats and protein, so eggs are perfect to be used in a ketogenic diet. Eggs alone also make an egg-fast diet, so losing weight only on eggs is very much so possible.

It is a challenge spanning 10 days, where only an egg-based diet is followed. All three meals of the day are based on eggs. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner are all cooked using eggs and no other ingredients, except for recipes that may call for spinach, bacon, beef, or other ingredients.

For one average-sized egg, there are 0.5 grams of carbohydrates present in the egg.

Even though eggs have low carbs, they can be used in boiled, scrambled or omelet recipes in keto, owing to their low carbs.

No, if you want to eat 30 eggs per day then it is not a good decision and should not be eaten. However, if you are craving eggs for one meal and eat 2 to 4 eggs in an omelet then it is allowed.

Just be mindful of the upper limit 6 and you are good to go

We hope this article has now made you an expert on whether to eat or not to eat and how many eggs to eat when following a keto diet. You just have to be mindful and make reasonable decisions on egg consumption, then weight loss and the state of ketosis can be reached even through the consumption of eggs in your daily diet.

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