Best Nuts in Keto

Hey there, are you a keto dieter looking for a healthy snack that can complement your keto diet? Then go nuts with Nuts. Nuts are delicious snacks that can be eaten from the very comfort of your home. Many nuts can even save you when you are hungry. But can you really eat nuts on a keto? 

Choosing the best keto nuts to complement your ketogenic diet will boost your level of confidence, that’s a fact. Let us now consider the different types of nuts that can be enjoyed on a keto diet.

Best Nuts in Keto

Best Nuts in Keto

Inasmuch as nuts are undisputedly delicious and healthy, that doesn’t make all of them a good choice for a keto diet. If you’re on a keto diet, you should be picky. But don’t worry. We got you covered. There are more than 6 best nuts for keto explained below along with their nutritional value so you know which one to go for.

Macadamia Nuts – The Best Keto-Friendly Nut

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are tree nuts native to Australia. Macadamia nuts taste like butter and they have a creamy feel. They are ideal for keto-friendly recipes and are a good choice for those who go on the keto diet.

  • Extremely low in carbs

The amount of carbohydrates in Macadamia nuts is extremely low. An ounce of these nuts contains only 2 grams of carbs. 100g serving of macadamia nuts (which is equally 10-12 pieces) contain just 14g of carbs and 5g of net carbs. In fact, a study showed that raw Macadamia nuts contain just 1% water and 14% carbohydrates. Isn’t that amazing? You will not be exceeding your daily keto carb intake if you hop in these delicious nuts. 

  • High in Healthy Fats

Macadamia nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats such as the Omega-7 fatty acid. Consuming macadamia nuts gives you about 58% total fat content. This good percentage value tends to make up for the low-carb and low-protein value.

  • Rich in Antioxidants

Macadamia nuts are an excellent source of antioxidants such as the powerful tocotrienols. 

Tocotrienols are a form of Vitamin E and a powerful antioxidant that help lower the level of bad fat in the body and fight against heart disease and cancer. So, you can see that a handful of these nuts is a handful of pure goodness.

Brazil Nuts – A Unique Keto-Friendly Nut

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are grown in trees that happen to be one of the largest in the Amazon rainforest. They are often enclosed in shells and they are considerably large in appearance. Brazil nuts can weigh up to 2kg (which is equivalent to 4.4lb). It is an edible seed and it produces oil (Brazil nut oil) which is used for cooking, in cosmetics, and also serves as lubricant. Isn’t it wonderful how such a nut can do countless things? Let’s now consider some of the nutritional information of these nuts.

  • Excellent source of Selenium

Brazil nuts are one of the best nuts that are highly packed in Selenium. In fact, these nuts contain more of these mineral than any other. A single nut can give you 96 micrograms of this mineral. 

Selenium is important for your body to function properly. It enhances your immune system, improves your thyroid health, assists your liver in detoxification and improves cell growth. Incorporating Brazil nuts to your keto diet may increase your level of selenium.

It is true that Selenium deficiency is not common but Keto dieters are at a risk of having it. So add these in addition to a keto diet and you will be safe from that. Eating just one Brazil nuts per day for 8 weeks can increase your selenium intake significantly.  

  • Contains Magnesium and Thiamine

An ounce of Brazil nuts can give you about 25% daily value of magnesium and 15% daily value of thiamine. These two minerals aid in glucose metabolism. They also help in the maintenance of body growth and tissue. Diabetic patients or those who are the risk of having diabetes should consider making these nuts their friend as they can offer these health benefits. 

  • Very Low Carb

Brazil nuts are one of the nuts with the lowest carbs. In fact, just one ounce of Brazil nuts contains only 3 grams of net carbs and 19 grams of fat. 100g serving of nuts contain 12g of carbs. This makes them a keto-friendly nut that can be included in a low-carb and high-fat diet. 

Pecans – A Tasty Keto-Friendly Nut


Pecans are nuts and seeds that are tasty, edible and have buttery flavor. They can be eaten as a main meal or as keto desserts. Pecans also produce Pecan oil or Pecan butter that is used for cooking different dishes. 

  • Relatively low in carbs

Pecans are considered sugar-free as they are also low in carbs. They have the least amount of net carbs compared with other nuts. 100g serving of Pecans can give you 14g of carbs and 4g of net carbs. An ounce of Pecan (about 19 halves or 8 full Pecan nuts) can contain just about one or two grams of net carbs, which makes them a perfect for your keto lifestyle. 

  • High in Fiber

Pecans are low carb nuts that are rich in dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber. 100g serving of Pecans can give you about 20% daily value of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water and flows through the body to slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood. It can help lower fasting glucose and hemoglobin level. This is why dietitians think that Pecans can help steady blood sugar. 

Fibers are also essential to give you energy and full satisfaction. You can sprinkle a handful of Pecans into your meal or enjoy them after you have already eaten to give you energy.

  • Rich in Antioxidants

It would interest you to know that Pecans make up to top 20 list of foods that are rich in antioxidants. As discussed above, antioxidants are substances that you find in foods that help prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cell damage. Pecans contain phytonutrients and many phenolic substances that are also rich in antioxidants.  

Pine Nuts – A Versatile Keto-Friendly Nut

Pine Nuts

Have you come across these nuts before? Possibly. They are grown in different continents such as Europe, Asia, and North America. Pine nuts are smooth, light-colored, and oblong. They are tree nuts removed from a pine cone and are covered with a shell. The shells need to be removed before they are eaten. Shelled nuts are not to be kept for long as they quickly spoil. Unshelled nuts, however, last longer especially if they are refrigerated. Pine nuts are usually added to meals such as salads, vegetable dishes and even baked in bread. 

Pine nuts are the best low-carb nuts that have a buttery texture. And like other nuts, Pine oil is obtained from the nuts and used in different kinds of cooking for flavor sake. Thinking Pine nuts are a keto-friendly choice for a keto diet? Let us see.

  • High in Healthy Fats

Pine nuts are a great source of fats. When dried, they can contain up to about 68% of fat. 100g serving of pine nuts can give you up to 92g of healthy fat. Pine nuts contain a polyunsaturated fat called Pinoleic acid which helps to lower the level of low-density lipoprotein, also known as LDL or bad cholesterol. Consuming Pine nuts is thus good for your heart. 

Replacing high-carb nuts with whole nuts that have high fat content evidently shows that it regulates blood sugar. Pine nuts is thus a high-fat food that can be incorporated into your low-carb diet.

  • Low Carb Nut Option

Pine nut is a low-carb food and a good option for keto dieters. One ounce of pine nut contain just 4 grams of carbs. When dried, pine nuts contain just about 13% of carbohydrates. They help in appetite reduction making them a good choice for the keto diet. That’s interesting, right?

However, pine nuts are high in calories and you should eat these nuts in moderation if you really want to maintain a healthy weight throughout your keto journey. 

  • Adds Crunch and Flavor

Pine nuts add flavor to meals especially when they are roasted. They become crunchier and adds a nutty flavor to dishes making them a special keto-friendly food. Pine nuts have a sweet soft texture and a buttery flavor. The oil made from pine nuts is also added to dishes to enhance the flavor of the dish. 

Almonds – A Nutritious Keto-Friendly Nut


Almonds are a nutritious food that originally grew in Northwestern Asia but has taken over the world. They may be best eaten raw, roasted, sun-bleached, or added to baked foods such as cookies and cake. They can also be blanched, that is, cured with hot water to soften the hard shell of the almond nut. Almonds have a sour taste. There are usually salted nuts that help enhance its sour taste. Almonds are rich in protein and healthy fat. They are thus considered keto-friendly nuts for eaters.

  • Moderate in carbs

Almonds contain 22% carbohydrates, 21% protein and 50% fat. On one serving, it can give you almost 10g of net carbs. With this information, you will see that it is not as low in carbs as other different nuts but it is still fair compared with the amount of fat it has. It is safe to eat Almonds in moderation if you want to remain in ketosis. 

  • Excellent source of Vitamin E

Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E. One oz. of Almonds can give you about 48% Vitamin E of your daily keto value. This vitamin is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps lower the rate of heart disease, cancer and prevent the cell from [oxidative] damage. 

  • High in Magnesium and Fiber

Almonds contain about 200 milligrams of magnesium (per 2 oz.) and lots of fiber. They are crucial in regulating the glucose level in the bloodstream. Magnesium and fiber are also beneficial in steadying blood pressure. A deficiency in these can lead to high blood pressure problems such as stroke and kidney failure.

Peanuts – Sometimes a Keto-Friendly Nut


It’s funny that peanuts are called a somewhat keto-friendly nut. Well, peanuts are basically legumes. Peanut is a popular nut that is sometimes called earthnut or groundnut. Peanuts are hot topics in the issue of keto. Some people on a keto diet are confused if they should add it to their keto diet or not. 

  • Higher in Carbs than other Nuts

Peanuts are higher in carbs than other nuts. An ounce of roasted peanuts can give you up to 14 grams of carbs and 6g of net carbs which is high.

  • Consuming in Moderation on Keto

Peanuts contain a huge amount of omega-6 fatty acid which is pro-inflammatory.  Therefore, Peanuts should be eaten in moderation.

  • Nutrient Dense

Peanuts are loaded with healthy nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, dietary fiber, protein, and phytochemicals. These nutrients are responsible for the reduced rate of caused by certain illnesses. 

Cashews, Pistachios – Higher Carb Nuts to Avoid on Keto

Cashews, Pistachios

If you must remain in your state of ketosis, it is best to desist from nuts like Cashews and Pistachios. They are high in carbs and less in fat. They are not nuts to eat on keto.

  • Relatively High in Carbs

100g of Cashew contains 30g of carbs and 17g of net carbs. An ounce of Cashew contains 8 grams of net carbs. Pistachio on the other hand contains 28g of carbs and 18g of net carbs per 100g. An ounce has 5 grams of net carbs. This is way higher than any other nut and keto dieters should be wary of them.

  • Easy to Overeat

It is so easy to eat plenty of these nuts in one sitting. They are so portable and enjoyed while watching TV, reading a book, or operating a device. It’s best to watch the amount of nuts you throw into your mouth and try to eat them without engaging in any passive activity otherwise you may not know when you are consuming a lot. 

  • Limit Portions or Avoid Altogether

Limiting the portions you consume is key to remaining in ketosis. If you feel you won’t be able to control your intake because of how delicious they taste, then you may consider avoiding these nuts altogether and going for the ones that are more keto-friendly. 

High-Carb Nuts to Avoid on Keto

These nuts should be totally avoided on keto. They should not be your primary choice. They are not considered a keto-friendly snack. They are high in carbs and consuming them will make you add up your carb content quickly. 

Worst Nuts for Keto

From the consideration of this article, you will agree that Cashews, Pistachios, and Almonds should not be added to the keto diet. They are the least options of nuts that are healthy choices for those who want to remain in ketosis. They may have nutrients but they have high carbs and do not have more fat to supplement. They are not a good addition to your keto diet. 

Conclusion: Best Nuts for Keto

There are good keto options such as pecans, pine nuts, and Brazil nuts that should not be left behind. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t track your carb intake though. Make sure you eat even the right nuts in moderation.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Not all nuts are okay for keto. Shop for keto-friendly nuts that are low in carb and stay away from nuts that are high in carbs. 

Compared with other nuts, Cashews are high in carbs and low in fat. It would be safe for your health to avoid them on Keto.

Almonds will not entirely ruin keto as long it is taken in moderation.

Cashews are best avoided on keto but if you are a lover of Cashew and can’t do without it, then add them in tiny amounts to your meal.

Pine nuts, Walnuts and Brazil nuts have a huge amount of protein and are low in net carbs. They are the best nuts to eat on a keto diet.

Yes, Walnuts are better and healthier than Almonds for Keto. It contains 2g net carbs per serving.   

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