Keto Electrolyte Drink Recipe

If you are experiencing some kind of illness during ketosis, that could be a sign that you are losing electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential minerals that are needed to build your life properly. Electrolytes are crucial to the health of a keto dieter. They help you regain water and nutrients and play an important role in optimizing the function of the human system. As a keto dieter, paying attention to taking electrolytes is paramount to your health. 

Most liquids out there are sweetened with sugars and this is dangerous to your health. But doing a keto electrolyte recipe is awesome because at least, you have something to go for when you are thirsty but you don’t need water. They are as refreshing as water and give you more nutrients than water will ever do.

This article will help answer your questions on keto drink recipes and other frequently asked questions you may have. Let us begin! 

Homemade Keto Electrolyte Drink Recipe

When keto dieters enter ketosis, they are often told to drink more water. This is because they have aggressively cut down on their high-carb foods and they lose water. Water, though, is not the only fluid or liquid that keto dieters need to take to stay fit on their keto journey. They also need electrolytes which contain nutrients. And good news! You do not have to walk into a store to grab a keto drink. You can make a simple homemade electrolyte keto drink and enjoy it. 

Why You Need Electrolytes on Keto

A healthy keto diet is dependent on electrolytes. Basically, it gives keto dieters electrolyte balance. It gives keto dieters electrolyte drink recipe nutrition. It also helps them avert many problems that come with entering ketosis. Some of these secondary benefits are highlighted below:

Prevent Keto Flu Symptoms like Fatigue and Headache 

Prevent Keto Flu Symptoms like Fatigue and Headache  Keto flu happens to people who are new to keto. Individuals are often seen experiencing keto flu as the body adjusts itself to the state of ketosis. Let us talk a little about it. Keto flu usually appears two to seven days after the body has discovered that it is losing carbs. It may last for a week or less in mild cases. In severe cases, it may last up to a month. Some persons may not even experience the keto flu at all. This is dependent on an individual’s genetic makeup. 

Symptoms of keto flu vary. They include headache, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, mood swings, nausea, and dizziness. A keto dieter may face one or a couple of them together depending on the individual. Keto flu is usually a symptom of electrolyte imbalance. Taking keto-friendly electrolytes will help relieve you of these symptoms and make your body balanced.

Hydrate and Replace Electrolytes Lost While in Ketosis

The more carbohydrates you take, the more water you retain. But when you stop taking carbs, your body does not store this water anymore. It releases them. When your body begins to transit into the state of ketosis, you become low on electrolytes. You may become thirstier than you ever imagined. When you take keto electrolytes, you restore lost electrolytes which helps your body function normally.

A healthy and whole keto diet food may lack essential nutrients. For example, you may reduce your consumption of salty food which contains sodium, an important nutrient that your body needs. Fruits, potatoes, and some vegetables are sources of potassium but they may be high in carbs. So taking keto electrolytes will give you much potassium intake that you will be grateful for.

Support Energy and Curb Cravings When New to Keto

When you eat food or take any liquid, your body properly digests it and absorbs it as fuel.  When your intestine movement is healthy, proper digestion takes place fast. Your body is able to absorb nutrients from the food you take. Taking electrolytes will give you enough nutrients to support energy metabolism. If you do not take electrolytes, you may feel lazy and sluggish and easily tire out.

Studies have revealed something intriguing. When your body lacks essential minerals, you feel the urge to overeat. You crave food. Most times, when you are hungry, it is not really because of food. It is because you are dehydrated. The lack of the basic nutrients in the body triggers what is called false hunger. When you take in electrolytes, it will solve that hunger problem for you. Taking electrolytes will also help you be full and satisfied. 

Homemade Keto Electrolyte Drink Recipe – A sugar-free Hydrating Beverage

Homemade Keto Electrolyte Drink Recipe – A sugar-free Hydrating BeverageNow, we are going to be talking about the homemade electrolyte drink recipe. A keto electrolyte drink is basically a sugar-free electrolyte drink because, of course, you do not want to obstruct your ketosis condition. I’ll give you my recipe for making a simple homemade keto electrolyte drink. This electrolyte drink recipe instructions can be adjusted according to the quantity you want.

Simple DIY Ingredients Like Salt and light salt

The electrolyte drink recipe ingredients you will need to make the best keto drink is salt or/or lite salt. Salt highly contains sodium. Sodium is often lost during ketosis so when you take salt, you retain sodium. You can also add lite salt. Lite salt is kind of a compound that is partly made of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Studies show that a half teaspoon of light salt in the drink can increase your daily potassium intake by some 0.7 grams. 

These two ingredients can be gotten in shops and added to keto electrolyte drinks to boost nutrients and minerals in the body.

Easy Instructions for Making This Low-Carb Keto Drink

Making an easy keto electrolyte drink for your low-carb diet is pretty easy. One of the things you will need first is a large jar to accommodate the ingredients. Here’s the recommended quantity of the keto drink: About 5-20ml of apple cider vinegar will be needed, and 1/4 tsp of sea salt or table salt should also be handy. You can also add 1/2 tsp of lite salt or potassium chloride. You can also add 1/2 cup of lemon juice or cream of tartar. You can also use fresh coconut water.  Shake and taste. You adjust the quantity of the ingredients as you please. You can drink it straight in or add some ice. This natural electrolyte drink will give you nutrients like sodium and potassium.

Customize Flavors with Herbs, Lemon, Electrolyte Powders

You can enrich the flavor of your homemade sugar-free electrolyte drink recipe by adding herbs. There are herbs that are rich in calcium such as Nettle, Lemon Balm, Rose Hips, Horse Tail, or Orange Peel. There are magnesium-rich herbs such as Basil and Peppermint. There are also herbs that will give you extra potassium.

You can also add lemon. Lemon has interesting nutrition facts. It is a rich source of soluble fiber which helps to regulate glucose. Interestingly, Lemon may also support weight loss which is the foremost reason why people do the ketogenic diet anyway. Adding this will make a delicious electrolyte drink.

And then we also have electrolyte powders. Electrolyte powders are simply the powdered form of electrolytes. They primarily contain magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chloride, and others. They also contain vitamins like vitamin D that will help absorb the other minerals into the body. They just need to dissolve in water to do their job. Be careful when going for these ones as some powdered electrolytes contain carbs. You should also contact your doctor to find out if taking these electrolytes is suitable for a keto diet. 

You can add sweeteners as long as they are low-carb but it is better to just drink without adding anything. It will make it taste like a more natural keto drink.

Benefits of This Homemade Keto Electrolyte Drink

With the addition of the ingredients mentioned above, you will agree that this homemade keto electrolyte has a lot to offer. And you are right, it does! Here’s a great list of benefits that come when you gulp down this drink.

Replenishes Electrolytes Lost on a Low-Carb Keto Diet

The main benefit of this homemade drink is to replenish electrolytes lost during ketosis. It is true that water is a primary electrolyte but taking water may not completely compensate for what is lost. It will be like using water to dilute the nutrients and that is not what you should be doing. You should be replacing the nutrients that are lost. And this electrolyte drink can help you do that. It can also help you achieve optimal nerve function, reduce muscle weakness, and be the remedy for whatever problem your body may have. 

Provides Hydration and Energy

Keto electrolytes are essential to make you stay hydrated. When you are on a keto diet journey, you lose more water. Taking this drink will increase your electrolytes and boost the level of your energy. You will not easily be feeling fatigued or tired. You will always be active throughout the day and you will be able to do work.

Alleviates Keto Flu Symptoms Naturally

The keto flu is a combination of varying symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, cramps, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms may be serious or mild, it depends.  A homemade keto electrolyte drink will help to lessen these problems naturally while at the same retaining nutrients. Thus, you will be able to transition into ketosis without any discomfort. 

Supports Exercise Performance and Recovery

Electrolytes work to optimize muscle function because of their calcium and magnesium content. When you are deficient in these minerals, it will have a negative impact on your muscles and you may not be able to perform well at sports or athletic events or even to exercise. Taking electrolytes will help boost your performance level.

It can also speed up the process of recovery because when you exercise or engage in some form of physical activity, you sweat a lot and pass out urine. And sweating makes you lose electrolytes. So taking electrolyte drinks will make you retain nutrients that are lost and help you recover fast from working out. It will also help in muscle and tissue as you may be worn out from engaging in physical activities. 

When to Drink Your DIY Keto Electrolyte Beverage

So here’s the thing. There are best times to take keto electrolytes just as there are best times to consume certain meals. You should try and stick to these times for optimal function. 

In the Morning for Hydration and Energy

You have probably slept for like six hours, more or less, and now you’ve woken up to a new day. But during those hours of sleep, you didn’t drink anything. So when you wake up, it is natural that you will feel thirsty. Before you take in anything or do anything that morning, it is good you have some keto electrolyte drink. It will wake up your systems, make you hydrated, and get you in the mood throughout the day. 

Pre/Post workout to Hydrate and Refuel

Before you engage in exercise, you should take your DIY keto electrolyte drink. This will help prepare your body for the physical activity you are about to engage in. It will help balance the level of fluid in the body and flush out any excess. And then as you exercise along the way, you can take in your keto electrolyte drink to refuel your body. Remember that as you sweat, you lose electrolytes. The more you exercise, the more you sweat and the more electrolyte you should take in to top it up.

Of course, taking electrolytes after a workout cannot be understated. Just like you refuel a car after using it for a journey, you need to refuel your body after using it to do work. Beware of sports drinks as they may contain sugar and artificial sweeteners which is not a good thing for your keto lifestyle. 

For an Afternoon Pick-Me-up

Consuming your homemade keto electrolyte drink regulates the level of fluid in the body. The afternoon weather is often hot and you may feel exhausted, tired, and dull. You may need a long stretch. Taking electrolytes will help boost your mood and make you focused and attentive throughout the day. It can help alleviate mild dehydration. Mild dehydration can have a profound effect on your mood and overall performance. You can also take enough electrolytes when you are in intermittent fasting during the day.

Anytime You Experience Keto Flu Symptoms

You should surely take your electrolyte drink whenever you feel any of these keto flu symptoms: fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, dry skin, dizziness, dehydration, dark-colored urine or urinating less frequently, brain fog, and rapid heart rate. The ingestion of keto electrolytes can help to reduce the effect of these symptoms significantly. 


Homemade Electrolyte Drink is a thirst quencher. It is also beneficial for regulating acid in the blood building the damaged tissue. It will be easy for your body to repair itself when you take in your homemade keto electrolyte drink. I’m sure by now you have made up your mind not to settle for just plain water. go for keto electrolytes to fuel your body the next time you are thirsty.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Yes, Pink Himalayan salt is a real salt that contains 84 trace minerals including sodium-chloride, potassium, and calcium. 

Yes, you can use the Himalayan salt instead of lemon juice if you are sensitive to lemon. Lemon juice is just used to enhance flavor.

Potassium Citrate is salty acid that can be safely used in a keto drink. 

Yes, you can freeze this keto electrolyte drink. If you do not have access to a fridge, you can add ice to the drink.

You can safely add magnesium or magnesium electrolyte supplements to your keto electrolyte drink. Magnesium helps to improve overall health and body function.

Natural low-carb sweeteners you can add to enhance the taste of your keto drink include Stevia or Erythritol. You can include any other one of your preferred choices. But ensure they are also low-carb and they are added in small quantities so as not to tamper with the state of ketosis. 

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