Keto Bean Substitutes

You may currently be on a strict keto diet (low-carb, high-fat diet). You may have been told that cooked beans contain protein and thus they should added to your meal. Let’s take a moment to analyze the facts. You’ll be given a full guide to beans information and their substitutes.

As you are aware, beans are generally considered delicious meals. Beans are a great source of protein and fiber. But hold on! Not all beans fit in your keto diet plan. If you are a lover of beans, do not let this downhearten or discourage you. There are substitutes for keto beans that are available for you to try out to enjoy your keto recipe. But first of all, what are keto bean substitutes?

Keto Bean Substitutes

Keto Bean Substitutes

Are you familiar with the term ‘Keto Bean Substitutes’? You should be a keto dieter. Before we answer this question, let us consider what keto bean is. Keto bean is not so easy to define. But it can be simply put as a bean that is added to the keto diet and does not affect the body’s state of ketosis. It is not like your regular kind of beans. Keto bean substitutes are beans that can be replaced with the normal beans on the keto diet. 

They are not as common or as delicious as the normal beans, but if you want to be strict on keto, you should give this a try. But why is the normal beans not considered a good bean option for keto dieters? This is what you will learn in the heading below. 

Beans are too high in Carbs for Keto – Use Low-carb substitutes

high in Carbs

Even though beans have always been taught to contain protein and fiber, the truth is that the carbs in beans are high and cannot be used for keto. They are just as same as using rich carbohydrate food like rice, bread, and potato. It could be a challenge for them to be added to the keto recipe. Like most carbs, Beans are starchy. If you have prepared them before, you will agree with this. They do not contain enough amino acids to let the body function properly. 

You should instead use low-carb keto bean substitutes. These substitutes contain fewer carbs and can be well mixed into your diet. These substitutes will also add up amino acids in your body and lead to the normal functionality of the body.

Most beans have around 40g net carbs per cup

Keto dieters usually need not more than 20g net carbs. However, one cup of beans contains around 40g of net carbs just about 15 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber. The total net carbs of beans is 25 grams. Peas contain 25 grams, Pinto beans and chickpeas both contain 45 grams while kidney beans and Black beans contain 40 grams. This is a whole lot of carb intake and is therefore unaccepted.  

Stick to keto-friendly veggies and legumes

Because the keto diet involves reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume, you may be tricked into thinking that it is better to eat plenty of vegetables than a bean. Like beans, some vegetables contain carbs. They are starchy too and may disturb your keto routine. You should go for low-carb veggies that are non-starchy like zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, and white mushrooms. 

Not all legumes are for keto. There are keto-friendly legumes in the bean family that are non-starchy and can significantly reduce how much carbohydrates you consume. They do not have cholesterol and are rich in essential minerals that the body needs.

Black soybeans and green beans have the lowest carb count

Black soybeans & green beans

Black soybeans and green beans are considered to have low carb count. Half a cup of black soybeans and contain just about 8g of carbs. Black soybeans contain a huge amount of protein and their consumption aids the proper function of the brain, live, and heart. And surprisingly, they aid in abating the occurrence of cancers (such as the ones found in the sexual organs). They are also antiviral and anti-inflammatory.  Black soybeans contain more antioxidants than the normal black beans.

Green beans are typically prepared alone or added to meals. They are considered keto-friendly because they have low calories and no cholesterol. These kinds of beans are loaded with more proteins than carbs. As a staple food, they are also endowed with vitamins and minerals. 

Can You Eat Beans on Keto?

This question is technical. Generally, most beans contain a moderate amount of protein with lots of carbs and for someone living a ketogenic lifestyle, it could be challenging to eat beans.  It is rather safe that a small amount of beans are added to meals because of their high carb content. To be on the safer side, you can just go for other beans like black soybeans on a keto diet. 

The Best Keto Substitutes for Beans in Recipes

Now that you’ve come this far in this article, you must have learned that beans are not a safe option for your keto food. There are other keto-friendly staple foods that can be replaced with beans and still give you the amount of protein you need to make your day. What you can replace beans with is discussed below. 

Cauliflower Rice as a Refried Bean Substitute

Cauliflower rice are perfect low-carb keto-refried bean substitute that can give you a healthy start. Cauliflower contains low calories, is low in carbs, and can make you healthy even without the addition of beans. As already mentioned, they can be used as refried beans or bean dip with your meal.  Preparing cauliflower rice is very simple. Pour your cauliflower into a dry food processor or dry blender and blend them rudely or coarsely. We are not looking for a smooth texture, just something rough like rice. When that is done, you can add them to meals and they can be used in place of beans. 

Spaghetti Squash instead of Beans in Chili

Looking for what to use in chili in place of beans? Spaghetti squash can be used as a substitute of beans in a Chili recipe. It looks like pasta but it is a low-carb or keto-friendly food. It is free from gluten. It can be cut in a horizontal or vertical motion depending on the one that is safer, quicker, and easier for you. The next thing is to remove the seeds and slice the insides.  Drop your slices in a pot and set it to cook for at most 5 minutes. When it is 5 minutes’ time, you can turn off the cooker and shred the squash. This simple meal can be enjoyed as a replacement for beans.

Chopped Cabbage as a Bean Replacement in Salads

Cabbage belongs to the same family as Cauliflower. It is nutritious and healthy. It contains lots of fiber and vitamins. It is keto-friendly and can be used as a bean substitute. There are different ways to prepare cabbage. You can either chop your cabbage with a knife or cut it into a food processor and blend. It can be eaten alone or added to salads in place of beans.

Tips for Finding the Best Keto Bean Alternatives

Tips for Finding the Best Keto Bean Alternatives

Finding the best alternatives to beans is not an easy task. The market is a broad place for food and for different types of beans. You may be tricked into selecting something that you thought was keto-friendly but ended up being a high-carb food. Do well to keep in mind these few tips. 

Match the Texture of the Beans you want to Substitute

Varieties of beans have different textures and being familiar with these textures is a trick to selecting the best keto bean substitutes. Most beans have a starchy texture. Keto bean substitutes are non-starchy and do not have starchy textures. You should study them with your eyes and hands. The next time you go shopping, check properly that you add the ones that are non-starchy and not the other way round. 

Experiment with low-carb veggies like Zucchini

Keto dieters are known for creativity because they design different and delicious keto recipes. If you are a keto dieter, you should probably have these creative skills. Keto diet should not be a dull, boring food. Experiment with different low-carb veggies, flavors, and ingredients. For starters, why not try with Zucchini? 

Zucchini is a cucumber-like low-carb vegetable that keto dieters can eat on a keto diet. A cup of sliced Zucchini can give you a roundabout of just 2g net carbs. It could be eaten whole and still give you low-carb. It could also be added to keto meals. It can be shredded, chopped, or baked. It is endowed with micronutrients that are beneficial to the skin and eyes. It also aids digestion and contains lots of vitamins and manganese.

Focus on Fiber and Nutrients Along with Net carbs

Shop for keto bean substitutes that contain low net carb count while still packed with nutrients and fiber. It is good you check the label or go online for nutritional information on your keto food list to find out how much gram of fiber it contains.

Some people take fiber for granted. But it is essential for the body. Fiber is an undigested carbohydrate that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels and helps to relieve hunger. Consumption of food that contains high fiber also helps to fight heart disease and cancer (including breast cancer). 

Do not forget that keto dieters need a low amount of carbs per day so always check if your keto-bean substitutes have low-carbs and contain nutrients that help you function well.

Sample Meal Plan with Delicious Keto Bean Substitutes

Sample Meal Plan with Delicious Keto Bean Substitutes

The following show different delicacies that can be eaten on a low-carb diet. It is a recommended meal plan but not a strict one. It can be adjusted according to your dietary needs and daily carb intake. 

Cauliflower Hash Browns for Breakfast

Cauliflower hash browns are delicious and healthy keto-friendly food that is a perfect idea for breakfast. The main ingredient is cauliflower. It is also mixed with onions, spices, eggs, cheese, and black pepper. It is prepared quickly and easily (cooked within 15 to minutes). You can top it with garlic powder and herbs as you wish. The looks of this meal alone are inviting.  As the name inclines, they are brown in color. The inside texture is soft while the outside is crusty and crunchy. 

Hash browns are usually prepared with potato or beans but in this case, you will be using Cauliflower. Potato and beans are high-carb foods so an alternative like cauliflower is a keto-friendly choice. Potato hash browns can contain up to 18 net grams of carbs while cauliflower has just 3 net grams of carbs. They contain minerals and are also free from gluten.

Lunch Lentil Soup

Lunch Lentil Soup

Lentil is a plant that is high in fiber, high in protein and is a good keto bean substitute. Lentil does not contain gluten. It is non-starchy and thus can be a good and healthy choice for diabetic patients. It also contains abundant minerals ranging from folate, iron, potassium, and manganese. In addition to that, it is cholesterol-free. It can be used in place of beans for soup.

Lentil soup is a delicious low-carb soup that is a great keto idea for lunch. It is one of the easiest soups to prepare and its main ingredient for this soup is lentil. You can take lentil soup in order to make your heart healthy. 

Taco Bowls with Cabbage at Dinner

Taco Bowls with Cabbage at Dinner

If you are not used to taco bowls or haven’t even heard of the name before, well you can gather here. Taco bowls are a stack of healthy and delicious ingredients – from protein to cheese, to lettuce, to tomatoes, and many more. Taco bowls can be eaten with other healthy and hearty veggies such as cabbage. You can chop the cabbage and add it to the delightful bowl and enjoy it as a keto-friendly meal.

They are good food to be eaten at dinner. Sometimes, they could also be eaten the next day when they are leftovers provided they are well preserved to retain their flavor, taste, and nutritional value. 

Low-Carb Beans You Can Add to Your Keto Diet

No doubt, you are interested in knowing the different low-carb beans that can be added to your diet. Some of them are listed below.

  • Green beans and Black soybeans
  • Lima beans
  • Yardlong beans
  • Edamame
  • Tofu
  • Lentils
  • Lupin beans etc

These beans are low in net carbs and are a rich source of protein. They are a good fit when you want to reach your low-carb diet. 

Conclusion: The Best Bean Substitute for Keto – My take

 Finally, you’ve reached the conclusion. Have you been able to decide what to go for? I think so. Inasmuch as there are keto substitutes for beans, black soybeans are the best bean substitutes for keto. Half cup gives you only 2 grams of net carbs. 

Do yourself a favor by making these staple foods your best friend. Start eating them in small portions if you are not used to eating them. They are worth your choice.  

Keto-friendly food that you can eat are keto beans like lentils, soybeans, green beans and mung beans. They are low in carbs and do not increase your carb limit.

Lentils, cauliflower, broccoli are vegetables that are similar to beans. They have a similar firm texture.

A number of things can replace beans in soup for keto dieters. They include mushrooms, eggplant, lentils and avocado.

Green beans have the lowest carb. 100g serving of green beans gives just 2.4 grams of net carbs, making it a keto-friendly choice.

Definitely not. A cup of canned pinto beans can quickly add up your daily carb intake. For instance, it can contain up to 29 grams of net carbs. That is absurd. 

Yes they are safe to eat but examine your body if you are allergic to them. If yes, then you can properly cook your green beans and eat. 

Baked beans are high in carbs. Hence, they are not considered as keto-friendly food. 

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