How does keto affect people with gluten sensitivity?

The demand for keto and gluten-free diets has surprisingly risen. That brings this question to mind – how does keto affect people with gluten sensitivity?

My Journey from Gluten Intolerance to Keto Enlightenment

Gluten Free

Gluten is a glue-like protein present in grains. It gives them that sticky consistency. Unfortunately, some people react to it. It is mostly severe in those with a condition celiac disease.

This condition known as celiac disease is an autoimmune state where your body attacks itself due to the effects of gluten. Such an attack causes irritable bowel syndrome. 

Learning I could go keto to solve my problem was really an eye-opener. 

Gluten and Carbs – A Surprising Connection

Gluten and Carbs

Gluten is found in wheat, as well as barley and rye. These grains also contain high carbs. Therefore, restricting carb intake can also reduce gluten intake. Studies even suggest that people with gluten intolerance may react badly to high carb intake. 

Keto and Gluten Sensitivity

Going gluten-free completely eliminates gluten and some high carbs from your food. Experts thus say that it pairs well with keto. It is, thus, no surprise that those with such problems are quickly switching to it. 

The Mechanism of Keto and Gluten Intolerance

Keto diet leads to ketosis. Here, the brain uses fat for fuel. This leads to a range of benefits – from weight loss to improved clarity. Since gluten is mostly found in carbohydrate foods, a low-carb diet (like keto) may help individuals with gluten sensitivities. 

Surprising Benefits I Discovered on My Gluten-Free Keto Journey

Combining keto and gluten-free diets brought some really noticeable benefits. For instance, I realized that I had improved digestion. I bloated less and my gut health improved. Additionally, I discovered that it curbed my hunger effectively. I even lost weight. Because this diet eliminates processed food, I feel healthier and happier. 

In my journey, I have also discovered that it reduces inflammation, especially those associated with sugar consumption. Furthermore, I noticed that it improved my metabolic health.

Navigating the Challenges: My Gluten-Free Keto Shopping List

It is true that is hard to find what diet works for those of us with restrictions. There are false advertisers in the market. So, if we are not preparing our meals at home, we need to be careful when shopping. This is one of the gluten challenges that I find very daunting. But I am going to lend a helping hand by sharing my go-to staples that I include in my diet.

Hidden Sources of Gluten in Common Keto Foods

Does it surprise you to know that not all keto foods are actually gluten-free? Here are keto foods that contain gluten:

Soy sauce
  1. Soy sauce: Although soy sauce is made from soy (which is keto-friendly), it may contain gluten. This is because it contains wheat. It is better to shop for gluten-free soy sauce as a replacement.
Meat and Fish Substitutes
  1. Meat and Fish Substitutes: Seitans are gluten proteins made entirely from wheat. You can make your own plant-based meal from scratch or shop for gluten-free types. And please, always read labels.
Soups and broths
  1. Soups and broths: These meals often rely on thickening agents like flour to hold them together. However, some of these foods contain gluten. So, make sure you are using gluten-free cornstarch or flour to prepare your meals. 
  1. Cheese: Some cheeses have added flavors that could contain gluten. Some hard cheeses can be soaked in beer (known to contain gluten). 
  1. Miso: Although it is made by fermenting soybeans (which is keto), it may contain gluten when barley is used in the process. Make sure your miso paste purchase doesn’t contain barley as a listed ingredient.
Salad Dressings
  1. Salad dressings: While keto salads are good, watch out for fillers or binders that contain gluten. 

Top 10 Gluten-Free Keto Staples That Transformed My Diet

  1. Eggs are top of my list. They have high protein and low-carb content. I eat it in different ways – cooked, fried and scrambled.
  2. Pork rinds are common foods that are gluten-free and keto-friendly. You can enhance your dish with them.
  3. Curry is also gluten-free and can be safely used to prepare meals.
  4. Cashew nuts, almond nuts, and walnuts are also ideal and fit into the category. I enjoy them as snacks in between main meals. 
  5. Avocados are also very nice. They are loved for their high fat and fiber content. Do not worry; fat is a healthy food. They can be used to make spreads and salads.
  6. Chicken is a delicious stable that is protein-packed yet gluten-free. Spice up this staple and let it marinate for hours before you eat it and your stomach will thank you.
  7. Broccoli is a gluten-free keto veggie that I also love adding to my dish.
  8. Bacon is also on my list. As a bonus, it contains vitamins and minerals. 
  9. Zucchini is also a good choice for me and should be for you too.
  10. Almond milk and coconut milk are low in carbs and contain no gluten.

Beyond Weight Loss: How Keto Improved My Gluten-Related Symptoms

Weight Loss

As someone who is sensitive to gluten, I was always moody. I had digestive issues and bad gut health. I could feel that I was not healthy in the way I wanted. I knew that I needed to change my diet if I did not want to cause problems for me. Let me share a few ways this has benefited me. 

The Unexpected Mental Clarity Boost: My Brain on Ketones

Blood sugar has an effect on one’s mood. So, when the brain is on ketones and sugar is regulated, mood is improved. I experienced this firsthand. Because I was in a state of ketosis, I was able to concentrate on things easily. This diet solved my memory problems and depression. 

The ketogenic diet also helped to improve blood flow in the brain. As a result of this, the brain areas that are used for sensory information are fortified. I noticed that my mental clarity has been sharpened.

From Bloating to Bliss: My Digestive System’s Keto Transformation

When I eat gluten-containing foods, I often have a crash. It is tough on my digestive system. However, a gluten-free keto diet has provided me with digestive relief. I have experienced a reduction in the symptoms of bloating and discomfort. In fact, I feel that it supports a healthier gut. 

People with celiac disease or gluten intolerance benefit from following a gluten-free diet. One study was able to prove that such ones who ate foods containing gluten had digestive issues. Those who did not eat had no issues. 

How I Compare the Keto vs. Traditional Gluten-Free Diet

Keto vs. Traditional Gluten-Free Diet

I know some people prefer to go on a gluten-free diet alone. But I can tell there are reasons why keto should be added. 

Why I Found Keto More Effective Than a Standard Gluten-Free Approach

I prefer going keto because it helps one lose weight quickly as it helps you get rid of excess fat. It is also effective in reducing blood sugar and levels of insulin. Keto is more effective when it comes to treating certain health conditions like diabetes. 

It is also helpful for the heart. Blood pressure is stabilized. Good cholesterol levels are maintained. In fact, it is not as restrictive as the standard one.

The Carb Conundrum: How Keto Addresses What Gluten-Free Diets Miss

Diets free from gluten rely on processed foods which are not good for one’s health. However, the keto or low-carb diet focuses on whole foods. Furthermore, the low-carb diet approach can help to foster the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut area, in other words, promoting gut health.

While a gluten-free diet may not tackle inflammation effectively, keto does that completely. Also, it makes up for the lost nutrients that take place in a gluten-free diet.

My Top 5 Gluten-Free Keto Recipes That Don’t Taste “Free” of Anything

Gluten-Free Keto Recipes

Are you tired of always guessing what to have on the menu each day or week? Well, thankfully, I have got some nice recipe ideas that are delicious and tasty.

The Bread Alternative That Finally Satisfied My Cravings 

Coconut Flour Flatbread

This recipe is yummy, fluffy and crunchy. And you know what? It is simple and can be prepared in under an hour.

Paleo bread

This bread alternative is really nice, perfect for sandwiches and toast. You can make it with any low-carb flour, chia seeds, eggs, coconut oil, sea salt, and baking soda. 

Swedish breakfast buns

This recipe can also be made with any low-carb flour. Then, you can add flax seeds, husk, salt, sunflower seeds, olive oil, sour cream, and baking powder. It can be prepared under an hour and the taste is simply a slice of heaven.

Desserts That Made Me Forget About Gluten and Sugar

Keto Éclair Cake

If you are a lover of chocolate eclairs but can’t eat because of your restricted diet, try this recipe. It is delicious and creamy, not so different from the regular cake. All you need is keto graham crackers for the dough and any low-carb cream filling of your choice.

Keto Red Velvet Cake

This is a delicious dessert that contains only 2g of net carbs per slice. It is a simple recipe and does not need sugar, grains, or butter. It doesn’t even taste different from the real cake. Prepare this and you’ll want to consume more.

The Unexpected Side Effects: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting

In as much as I have benefited from this diet, I experienced real troubles when I started. At some point, I wondered if I was even doing the right thing. Let me explain.

Keto Flu and Gluten Withdrawal: Navigating the Double Whammy

Starting a keto diet gave me my share of the keto flu. I was always exhausted and craving for more carbs. I had headaches, brain fog, and bad breath. As if that was not enough, cutting gluten from my diet made me experience other symptoms like dizziness and nausea. Everything was just coming up at the same time. 

But, I discovered that a few weeks into the diet, things became normal. So, I guess those things happened because the body was trying to adjust to what was new.

How Keto Affected My Social Life and Dining Out Experiences

Handling social events on keto was a challenge for me. I had to be careful of going to certain places or eating certain foods when I was with friends and family. It was tempting and kind of annoying. I dealt with this by explaining my choices to those I went out with. Although, it took time before they understood my choices they understood them anyway

Is Gluten-Free Keto Right for Everyone with Gluten Sensitivity?

Not everyone with gluten intolerance needs to go for the diet. Many people who want to go gluten-free simply substitute regular flour for a better option. However, if you have no medical condition, there is no need for you to do that.

When to Consult a Doctor: Keto, Celiac Disease, and Other Concerns

Those following the keto diet should speak with a medical expert for proper recommendations. If you have celiac disease, you should likewise speak to your doctor. He will possibly recommend a gluten-free diet to help you navigate its symptoms. Those allergic to wheat are also advised to consult their doctors for dietary choices that would be right for them. 

My Advice for Transitioning to a Keto and Gluten-Free Living

My first tip is to find out what you love to eat and let yourself enjoy them. You can try the recipes mentioned in the article to know your favorite. Also, be the type that reads labels for ingredients to ensure you are purchasing gluten-free products. Be kind to yourself, and do not be frustrated if you are having challenges at the beginning. I had mine but patience helped me scale through. 

30 Low Carb Foods

  1. Chia seeds
  2. Eggs
  3. Spinach
  4. Cheese
  5. Chicken breast
  6. Mixed greens
  7. Greek yoghurt
  8. Salmon
  9. Avocado
  10. Olive oil
  11. Turkey
  12. Broccoli
  13. Asparagus
  14. Almond butter
  15. Feta cheese
  16. Mushrooms
  17. Almonds
  18. Tortilla 
  19. Flank steak
  20. Brussels sprouts
  21. Lemon
  22. Cottage cheese
  23. Cucumber
  24. Radishes
  25. Celery sticks
  26. Chicken thighs
  27. Tuna
  28. Cauliflower
  29. Strawberries
  30. Protein powder

Gluten Intolerance – Main Cause

Well, researchers say that the cause of gluten intolerance could be a result of some other compound found in whole grains. 

Furthermore, it is evident that when bodies cannot absorb carbs, microbes can leak from the intestine. This can cause someone to be intolerant. 

Can I eat gluten-free foods even if I’m tolerant?

There is no need for the elimination. Otherwise, you could miss out on essential nutrients your body needs.  You can simply remove highly processed food from your diet. Eating food without gluten is not necessary.

Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet

Benefits of a Gluten-Free Die
  1. It helps to ease your joint pain and elevates your energy levels.
  2. It helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy one.
  3. It gets rid of uncomfortable bloating.
  4. It helps to remove unhealthy and processed food from your diet.
  5. It may improve your bone health.
  6. It makes you take more of fruits and vegetables

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

I feel worse on a gluten-free diet. Why?

Probable reasons are because you are having a withdrawal or it has damaged your digestive system.

I would love to know if keto causes food sensitivities

Well, those on keto could experience carb intolerance because the body is now more efficient in using fat instead of carbs.

I want to cure my gluten sensitivity

You can only relieve yourself when you go on a gluten-free diet.

Please tell me the symptoms of a gluten belly

A gluten belly usually experiences abdominal pains.

Can Gluten Give Me Acid Reflux?

Research is yet to determine if that happens. However, similar symptoms happen in gluten sensitivity and acid reflux. 

If I am gluten intolerant, can I gain weight?

Yes, it can since it causes inflammation. This problem leads to obesity and even diabetes. People who become intolerant to gluten may experience slow weight loss or rapid weight gain.

Can keto mess up your gut?

Well, the initial journey of the keto diet can cause the “Keto flu”. This brings about gut issues like constipation and diarrhea.

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